On-Campus Student Employment

Butler’s On Campus Student Employment and Federal Work Study Coordinator is Lorraine Phillips Vavul. If you have additional questions not covered on this page, please connect with Lorraine directly:

Students new to working at Butler should carefully read through and follow the updated steps in the “New Hire Paperwork Packet” section further below.

Digital Paperwork

We are utilizing a digital-first process. Please read carefully through the information below.

Important note: Federal law requires all documents to be submitted before you can begin working. Training is considered employment.

Finding a Job

​Students work in almost every University department and office, as well as for student organizations.

Get Started

  1. Search our online employment portal Handshake (positions typically begin appearing mid-August and mid-January as faculty and staff return to campus)
  2. View our Handshake on campus job search guide and list of on campus contacts
  3. View a list of on-campus employers

Bookstore, Bon Appetit, and Starbucks

The Bookstore, Bon Appetit / Dining Services, and Starbucks are not considered on campus employers for Butler. Each organization exists outside the University and handles its own hiring through the websites for Follet’s Bookstore, Bon Appetit, and Starbucks Careers. If you’re interested in applying for these jobs, please apply online and/or ask to speak with the appropriate store manager about job openings:

Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Assistance

Please utilize the resources below:

Getting Hired

If you’ve worked on campus before, no employment paperwork is needed.

If this is your first on-campus job, you’ll need to carefully read through the sections below. 

International Students, before completing any paperwork, visit the International Student Services employment webpage, download the Employment Authorization Form, and see Bobbie Gibson in Jordan Hall 133.

New Hire Paperwork Packet

All students new to working at Butler must complete the documents below before starting work. If you have ever worked at the university, you do not need to complete this paperwork again. 

We are utilizing DocuSign “PowerForms” for the four New Hire documents you are required to complete. Before you start, be sure to have your social security number handy and use your home address on these New Hire documents. Once you sign these documents, they will go directly to Student Employment. The documents you will be signing include Butler’s H.R. Policy Acknowledgement, the Federal IRS W-4 Employee Withholding Certificate, the WH-4 Indiana Withholding Exemption and County Status Certificate, and the I-9 Federal Eligibility Verification. For the Federal Verification, you will need to meet in person with either your supervisor or Talent Acquisition Coordinator Maya Speed to submit the appropriate form(s) of original ID as noted below in more detail.

If you need to step away while you are completing the DocuSign Powerform, be sure to save your progress within DocuSign. The Save button is along the top of the page, and you will receive an email with a link to your saved form. Please use that email link and do not begin a new form. In all, the four documents contained in the Powerform should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.

  • New Hire DocuSign Student Powerform
    • Click on the Powerform link above to complete your New Hire Paperwork.
  • IRS I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
    • Here are some additional notes about those IDs. You may not begin work until you have successfully submitted the acceptable identification documents described on page 2 of the I-9 form.
    • I.D.s must be original. NO photos, photo copies or scans are acceptable.
    • I.D.s must be unexpired. In addition to page 2 of the I-9, you can read the full list of acceptable ID documents on Indeed.
    • The most commonly used I.D.s by Butler students are a passport (“Column A” on page 2 of the I-9) OR a driver’s license (“Column B”) and a social security card (“Column C”) or birth certificate (“Column C”).
    • Again, documents must be originals. No photos, photo copies or scans are accepted. If your documents are not with you on campus, you must either retrieve them from home or have them shipped to you at your campus address.

Final Steps

After you’ve completed your New Hire paperwork, please schedule an appointment with Maya Speed in one of the following two ways:

When it’s time for your appointment, visit the main Human Resources office in Jordan Hall 184C and:

  • Bring valid identification documents as explained on page 2 of the I-9.

After You Submit Your New Hire Paperwork and Show Your Acceptable Forms of ID

  • You are eligible to begin work immediately. It may take a few days to get your paperwork input into the Butler employment system and your I-9 submission through the federal employment verification process. Be sure to keep your time written down until you can submit your time via the online timesheet found under the Employee Tools tab of My.Butler.edu. You’ll know your paperwork has been added to Butler’s employment system when you can see an active timesheet.
  • We strongly encourage you to sign up for Direct Deposit (see How Will I Be Paid entry under Frequently Asked Questions below).  You can request direct deposit once we’ve added all of your hiring documents to the Butler employment system. It takes one to two pay cycles for your Butler paycheck to be directly deposited into your bank account, if you select to sign up for it.
  • Students are paid bi-weekly and should have their time added to the My.Butler system no later than 9AM EVERY Monday for your supervisor’s approval.
  • Student paychecks are mailed to the campus/local address listed on your Butler profile in My.Butler.edu. Students can check and change their address via My.Butler.edu > Academic Tools > Self Service > Profile > Addresses. Checks are mailed to student’s campus/local address. Only if there is no campus or no local address will a paycheck be mailed to a student’s home address. Depending on when you are hired, it may take a few weeks to receive your paycheck in the mail. If you believe your paycheck is lost, follow up with the Payroll Department/Business Office at Payroll@024lunwen.com.

Frequently Asked Questions